To answer this question we shall follow the disintegration of the Kickapoos. Their small reservation was one of the richest tracts of land in Oklahoma: "simply a magnificent park" said the local paper. The Jerome Commission (whose purpose was to 'legally' acquire land occupied by the Native Peoples and other tribes in the Oklahoma Territory for non-indigenous homestead acreage) employed two of the floating white population of the Indian country to work on the Kickapoos: John T Hill, who had grazed cattle there, and Joe Whipple, who spoke their language and was trusted by them. With Whipple interpreting, Hill told the Indians that there was money belonging to them in Washington (this, of course, was false); he believed he could get it for them. They held a council and chose two chiefs to accompany the two white men to the capital. Strangely enough, the government paid their expenses.
When they boarded the train at Oklahoma City, they found the members of the commission in the same car. When they were taken to the office of Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble they found these same commissioners there. They were suspicious, but being threatened with bodily harm, they finally signed something -on September 9 1891. It turned out to be an 'agreement' to accept an 80-acre allotment of their land and sell the approximately 200.000-acre 'surplus' to the United States at thirty cents an acre.
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Kickapoo Family 1898 |
They refused to vacate the un-allotted land, insisting that they had never sold it and the administration hesitated to use the military to drive them away, while home seekers gathering around the border complained at the delay. Finally the reservation was opened at high noon on May 18, 1895, in a stampede that surpassed anything previously seen in Oklahoma land rushes. The Kansas City Star, exulting over every addition to its trade territory, predicted that even the name Kickapoo would be "dropped from history".
Soon there arrived a Kansas attorney named Martin J. Bentley, who won the confidence of the conservative Kickapoo band so completely that they petitioned Washington for his appointment as their agent. The harassed commissioner of Indian affairs accepted this solution to a problem that he found insoluble. The subsequent results Bentley reported were too good to believe -except that they were believed. The protesting Kickapoos had apparently settled on their allotments, fenced the land and put it under cultivation, sent their children to school, and were rapidly acquiring the use of English. The first suspicion that this was untrue came in 1900 when the Indian Office was appraised by the State Department that Bentley and Kickapoo delegations had made trips to Mexico to negotiate with President Diaz for the colonization of the tribe there. The commissioner ordered Bentley to discontinue these activities; he ignored the warning and was dismissed, and replaced by Frank A. Thackery, a career man in the Indian service. He reported that all Bentley's claims of progress were fictitious and that his influence with the Kickapoos rested on his plan to restore them to their old way of life in Mexico. The Indian Office then sent Inspector Charles H. Dickson out to investigate further. He found only about one hundred of the more progressive Kickapoos remaining in Oklahoma, while more than two hundred had migrated with Bentley's assistance to Mexico.
Congress ignored the inspectors report and passed an act at the next session -in early June, 1906 -removing the restrictions on all allotments held by the non-resident adult Kickapoos. About fifteen men in Shawnee and other Oklahoma towns also had their eyes on the allotments and the acts of Congress. To their Kickapoo victims they were known collectively as the 'Shawnee Wolves'. The Indians were beaten, pistol whipped or jailed to force them to sign deeds relinquishing ownership of their allotments. If an Indian could not be forced even by physical abuse to 'touch the pen', they used outright forgery. They also gathered up six Kickapoo minors, took them to Eagle Pass, Texas, and had them married, thus conferring majority upon them by Oklahoma law and enabling them to sell their allotments.
Kickapoo medicine show, Fryeburg Fair, ca. 1900 |