Merry Christmas everyone! With a few days to go until the big day I thought some helpful seasonal advice from the past on how to get ahead this Christmas would be a suitable way to thank all of you lovely readers out there for a fantastic year of historic musings at History and the Sock Merchant!
Here we have a selection of useful advice from the pages of a wonderful book called 'The Book of Hints and Wrinkles'. Published in the early 1930's it is the most amazing piece of modern social history, and contains advice on everything from 'Running the Home', 'The Management of Young Children' advice on 'The Laundry' and 'Room layouts' and even the 'Importance of a Daily Bath!
Combat over-eating this Christmas, 1930s style! |
If you have a dog to walk this Christmas, why not keep him warm with a home-made Body Jacket! |
It is very important to look cheerful, especially at Christmas!
If after a year of watching Nigel Slater and Saturday
Kitchen have duped you into plucking a bird yourself, here is how to test it to
make sure it's ok.
Rules all women across the world should remember! |
Take care everyone and see you in the new year! |